The Young People’s Socialist League, originally founded in 1907, is the oldest youth-led political organization in America. YPSL educates and empowers young people under the age of 36 to better understand the social and economic theories of Karl Marx, also known as dialectical materialism. Members also study the ideas and theories of other writers and activists as well as the historical context of the world around them. With this knowledge and power, members help build the Socialist Party of America and help bring about a political revolution to move beyond capitalism and provide material uplift to working people and their families.

YPSL is currently rebuilding chapters centered around colleges across the country in every state and territory. Membership is open to all students, as well as young workers and their families. Participation in YPSL provides members with opportunities to network with like-minded peers from across America and to learn and grow their political skills. YPSL serves as a coordinating body under the Socialist Party of America, providing educational materials and other resources for members. Members get hands-on training and education as well as invaluable mentorship from party members and activists.

The Young People’s Socialist League has served as the youth and student wing of the Socialist Party of America since its inception in 1907. While it has gone through many iterations and many changes—including a short time as a more liberally-aligned Social Democratic organization—today it is aligned with the party, following in the footsteps of great American socialists like Eugene Debs.
YPSL operates as a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. Contributions to the organization are not tax-deductible, but the organization maintains a tax-exempt status by primarily focusing on education. Membership dues are used exclusively to maintain the organization and provide educational materials and supplies to members, as well as cover the costs associated with major events.